Do you have a community Discord server for your Minecraft server? Do you want Discord users to be able to send their friends messages via server chat? DiscordSRV is an amazing tool that will help you do that easily! You can also use DiscordSRV to have a working console on your Discord server! Be careful though! Anyone who can type in that channel can issue commands! Lets get started below!
Installing DiscordSRV
Installing this plugin is super easy to do! Lets walk through all of the steps below!
- Download the plugin here!
- Navigate to the Oddblox Control Panel.
- Select the server you want to install this on!
- Click on the Management Tab.
- Click on File Manager
- Click on the Plugins folder
- Upload the plugin!
- Restart the server!
- Ignore the error in the server console, check below!
Configuring DiscordSRV
DiscordSRV setup is a bit complicated, so lets walk through it! Be sure to check below for other guides!
- Head back into the File Manager
- Click on the Plugins folder
- Click on the DiscordSRV folder
- Click the config.yml file
- Ensure your bot is added to your server!
- Grab your bot token, and replace
- Grab the channel ID of the Discord channel you want to send chat messages to/from.
- If you want to enable console, do the same thing as above, but in a PRIVATE CHANNEL!
- Generate a new Discord Invite link, and add it to the config
- Save the file and restart the server!
There you go! Your server should now be all set up! Additional guides will be added below in the future!