Uploading modpacks is a bit of a daunting task, but it is actually really easy. You will need to use a tool called WinSCP (Or your preferred SFTP client) to connect to your server’s file management system. You will be uploading your mods and configs using this software.
Connection details are available under the “SFTP Details” tab in the game panel. You may need to update the connection address if you are encountering errors when trying to connect. Make sure that your SFTP connection URL is on the same machine that your server is on (For example, if the SFTP connection URL is s10.oddblox.us, and your server’s IP is s33.oddblox.us:11111, update the connection url to s33.oddblox.us).
Official Modpacks (AllTheMods, RLCraft, etc)
Official Modpacks release what is called a “Server Pack” for most versions of their modpack. You will need to download this version of the modpack, as the normal version will not work, as it does not contain any of the actual mods. After downloading the modpack, unzip/uncompress it, and put it somewhere easy to find (Like your desktop).
Many modpacks, like AllTheMods 9, will include multiple folders, not just the mod folder. Upload ALL of these to your server, and if you get prompted to overwrite an existing file, allow it to do so. This will upload all of the needed config files, mods and world information. Most modpacks will NOT include a world file.
When it comes to updating the modpack, it is going to be rather easy! Download the new server pack, unzip it, and put it somewhere easy to find. Stop your server, and remove ALL of the mods in your mod folder! This is because many mods have names like mod-name.21.2.2
, where 21.2.2 is the version, so you won’t be prompted to delete the old mod. Once the deletion is completed, drag and drop everything from the new version into your server. This will cause a bunch of overwrite notifications to appear, click “yes” on all of them (Or “Yes to all”, if that option is available!)
Custom Modpacks (Made by you or a friend)
Many times, you will only need to upload the mods you use, and won’t have to worry about any config folders. Simply drag your mods from your pc to the /mods directory on the server! Restart the server, and once it says it is good to go, try joining. If you encounter any issues, please contact support.
When making your own modpack (or uploading mods in general), make sure that the mods are for the same version, and that they are running on your mod loader. For example, a server running 1.20.1 cannot run 1.19.2 mods. Likewise, if the server is running Forge, it cannot run Fabric mods.
Please reach out to me, either via the Oddblox Discord, or by Discord (sydmae), if you have any questions! I will keep this as updated as possible!
Other Resources
This guide referenced some other complicated things, but we have guides that will walk you through the needed.